Edinburgh’s Filmhouse continues to consult with as many people as possible by adapting its pre-planning public consultation in light of the social distancing and other advice issued by the UK and Scottish Governments in response to Coronavirus.

Open public drop in sessions which were to be held at the Filmhouse with CEO of the Filmhouse Ken Hay, the architect Richard Murphy, and Fraser Littlejohn from planning consultants Montagu Evans will now take place online with members of the public able to sign up in advance, or join spontaneously. Questions for the panel will be prioritised from those who email in advance to future@filmhousecinema.com  but there will also be the opportunity to feed through questions live to the moderator.

The public sessions are scheduled for 24 June at 1pm and 7pm, and 25 June at 10am and 4pm. Each registered participant will be sent a short introductory video to watch before the session and be encouraged to submit questions in advance, so they can be collated into areas of discussion. During the session the panel will each speak and share images and plans of the new building before opening up to questions. The sessions are expected to last between 45 and 60 minutes. If you would like to secure a place at a session please email future@filmhousecinema.com  to book.

Ken Hay, CEO of Centre for the Moving Image (inc Filmhouse and Edinburgh International Film Festival) said: “It’s a challenging environment in which to make sure we do the best job possible of reaching as wide a public as possible. We already have almost 500 responses to the consultation on the new Filmhouse building through our online survey, which is terrific. It is really useful to receive this feedback while the consultation is live, so we work to address areas of concern or questions through our continually updating information online. We’re looking forward to these web consultation sessions and some live interaction with those who are interested, so we can answer their questions.”

Information on the bold new vision to create an internationally significant, fully accessible and environmentally sustainable landmark home for film and screen culture in Edinburgh including architect drawings and visualisations, the background to the development and FAQs are available on Filmhouse’s website. People can feedback through a simple online survey on the Filmhouse website.

The project team is currently creating a series of further digital resources which are being shared through Filmhouse and Edinburgh International Film Festival websites, social media and email. These resources are drawing out different aspects of the building and its purpose responding to some of the questions emerging from the consultation feedback so far. The upcoming public consultation sessions will also be recorded and made available on YouTube post event.

The planned new Filmhouse building has been designed by award-winning Edinburgh based Richard Murphy Architects and will significantly improve and increase the quality and quantity of spaces available to and needed by Filmhouse and EIFF for their audiences, customers, participants and industry partners.  It will create a hub for Edinburgh’s film and broader cultural community to base themselves in, and be a focal point for Edinburgh’s citizens to learn about film and filmmaking in all its diversity.

Information on the proposed building is at www.filmhousecinema.com/future

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