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The BIG Family Event: Free Day of Workshops and Activities to Strengthen Family Bonds


Organised by Cyrenians Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution (SCCR), The BIG Family Event takes place on Saturday, 9 November, 2024 between 9.30am and 3pm at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh. Entry is free.

The BIG Family Event will feature speakers, workshops and stalls run by SCCR and representatives of organisations who run family services, as well as fun and creative activities that all the family can join in with. Cyrenians’ Cook School will be on hand to share how food and mealtimes can bring families together, while there’s also a family yoga session and a Conversation Café. SCCR will also run a workshop exploring the teenage brain and coping strategies for when family times get tough.

The BIG Family Event is subtitled ‘Being Well, Doing Well’ because its aim is to increase families’ abilities to positively transform conflict in the home through strengthening relationships. Families will leave the event with an increased ability and resources to manage conflict, anger and emotions in positive ways.

Cyrenians CEO Ewan Aitken will deliver a short opening speech, and Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing & Sport Maree Todd will speak after lunch via live link. We’ll also hear from Billy Burke, Head of Service with Scottish Action for Mental Health (SAMH).

The BIG Family Event: Free Day of Workshops and Activities to Strengthen Family Bonds
doing what i want

‘Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children, young people and families is a key priority for me and I look forward to sharing the work that the Scottish Government has done over recent years to improve the mental health support available to young people and their families.

We want to ensure that every child and young person has the right support, in the right place, at the right time to look after and improve their mental health and wellbeing. Much of the support and services in this area is delivered through the third sector, and I know that the work Cyrenians have done to improve our children, young people and families’ mental health and wellbeing is invaluable.’

Maree Todd

‘I was asked earlier this year what family meant to me, and I answered,

“Feeling we (my family) know at the deepest level we matter to each other; that our love is unconditional”.

That unconditional love is common to many families, but they can have difficulty expressing it. So often communication is at the heart of why relationships within families grow damaged – which is why I’m delighted to speak at Cyrenians Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution’s Big Family Event, a great, not to mention free, event where families can learn how to end arguments well.’

Ewan Aitken
The BIG Family Event: Free Day of Workshops and Activities to Strengthen Family Bonds

Cyrenians Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution works towards reducing the numbers of young people in Scotland presenting as homeless. Last year, 5,400 young people presented as homeless in Scotland, with ‘relationship breakdown’ given as the leading cause for youth homelessness. SCCR provides free training and events to families and the professionals and volunteers who work with them, providing guidance on how to bring arguments to a conclusion that doesn’t damage relationships.

To find out more about The BIG Family Event visit https://www.scottishconflictresolution.org.uk/the-big-family-event.

Cyrenians tackles the causes and consequences of homelessness. To find out more about Cyrenians please visit www.cyrenians.scot.

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